[{"date":"14 Sep, 2024","name":"Pete M","comment":"Amazing stuff, I was just checking it out myself \ud83d\ude07\u2764\ufe0f","country":""},{"date":"14 Sep, 2024","name":"Jean R","comment":"The interview was very enlightening, the human condition can be healed","country":""},{"date":"14 Sep, 2024","name":"Casey","comment":"Wow, just wow","country":"US"},{"date":"14 Sep, 2024","name":"Shaka B","comment":"This is mind-blowing to understand our human nature. Woowoo","country":""},{"date":"14 Sep, 2024","name":"Luciano I","comment":"Thank you for Jeremy's biological explanations of all human behaviors, from selfishness to altruism!","country":"Brazil"},{"date":"14 Sep, 2024","name":"Heath N","comment":"Great stuff here, if you\u2019re interested!!","country":"UK"},{"date":"14 Sep, 2024","name":"Kamrul H","comment":"Eye-opening. So enthralled I share it & am writing a Bengali translation. Interviewer is brilliant & Jeremy is a genius","country":"Bangladesh"},{"date":"14 Sep, 2024","name":"Kamrul H","comment":"I salute Jeremy Griffith for discovering a redeeming solution to our suffering & his noble attempt to save the mankind","country":"Bangladesh"},{"date":"14 Sep, 2024","name":"Marc G","comment":"Changing of OUR WORLD ... !!! GREAT TIME TO BE ALIVE","country":""},{"date":"14 Sep, 2024","name":"Shirley W","comment":"This is the most eye opening video about humanity I have ever seen","country":"Sth Africa"},{"date":"13 Sep, 2024","name":"Social W","comment":"Click HumanCondition.com. I did & never looked back. It\u2019s what social workers need given the state of societies we serve","country":"Sth Africa"},{"date":"13 Sep, 2024","name":"Lois F","comment":"The Interview actually made sense of the dysfunction in us & man-woman relationships. Hope this spreads for more peace","country":"US"},{"date":"13 Sep, 2024","name":"Shirley J","comment":"The most important interview of our time, listen to it all. Could save the human race & be what Heaven actually is about","country":""},{"date":"13 Sep, 2024","name":"Dana M","comment":"Has me really thinking how we could change the world","country":"US"},{"date":"13 Sep, 2024","name":"Jackie F","comment":"The Freedom book is very informative","country":""},{"date":"13 Sep, 2024","name":"Sairusi B","comment":"Thank you for this. Awesome","country":"Fiji"},{"date":"13 Sep, 2024","name":"John H","comment":"Yes the interview was very interesting. Opened my eyes & ears to understand. I'd love the book to read about it more","country":""},{"date":"13 Sep, 2024","name":"Edwin","comment":"This is very interesting and makes big sense too!","country":"Sth Africa"},{"date":"13 Sep, 2024","name":"Inia S","comment":"Great I'm in ....","country":"New Zealand"},{"date":"13 Sep, 2024","name":"John C","comment":"Makes so much sense","country":"US"},{"date":"13 Sep, 2024","name":"Basil O","comment":"Eureka!","country":"Nigeria"},{"date":"13 Sep, 2024","name":"Jo T","comment":"Very interesting, I've only listened to the interview not read any books, but would love to","country":"New Zealand"},{"date":"12 Sep, 2024","name":"Matt N","comment":"Please watch. Very insightful","country":""},{"date":"12 Sep, 2024","name":"Kimberley P","comment":"Each time I watch Jeremy speak & explain this incredible solution to the world\u2019s problems I'm so enthralled & relieved","country":"Australia"},{"date":"12 Sep, 2024","name":"Kimberley P","comment":"When I first saw The Interview it was hard for me to understand but now I\u2019ve assimilated it it\u2019s really so simple & true","country":"Australia"},{"date":"12 Sep, 2024","name":"Katana S","comment":"So good","country":""},{"date":"12 Sep, 2024","name":"Marie H","comment":"Finally the truth of us. Not too late to save us with this groundbreaking info. Just start, brings such immediate relief","country":"Sth Africa"},{"date":"12 Sep, 2024","name":"Nola F","comment":"Excellent. Very powerful","country":""},{"date":"12 Sep, 2024","name":"Teressa H","comment":"Wow! \ud83d\ude0a","country":"UK"},{"date":"12 Sep, 2024","name":"Anlica","comment":"Finally a new approach, a paradigm shift, healing insight into human existence for a free, conscious & loving world","country":"Germany"},{"date":"12 Sep, 2024","name":"Anlica","comment":"Healing the disturbance & alienation through self-knowledge - that makes sense. World in transition [tr. from German]","country":"Germany"},{"date":"12 Sep, 2024","name":"Marieke N","comment":"Very simple truth, I feel lighter","country":"Netherlands"},{"date":"12 Sep, 2024","name":"Donna M","comment":"Great interview","country":"US"},{"date":"12 Sep, 2024","name":"Tara S","comment":"Very interesting gentlemen!","country":"Nepal"},{"date":"12 Sep, 2024","name":"Mary","comment":"Wonderful! True! Grateful!","country":"US"},{"date":"12 Sep, 2024","name":"Eugenio P","comment":"This is Darwin 2.0","country":"Philippines"},{"date":"12 Sep, 2024","name":"Ellen K","comment":"It\u2019s certainly worth it - at least a LISTEN!!!!!","country":""},{"date":"11 Sep, 2024","name":"Paul C","comment":"All you have to do is watch and listen to this interview","country":"UK"},{"date":"11 Sep, 2024","name":"Robert D","comment":"FREEDOM: THE JOURNEY BEGINS ... see www.humancondition.com","country":"Canada"},{"date":"11 Sep, 2024","name":"Anders K","comment":"Worth listening to yet again \ud83d\udc4d [tr. from Swedish]","country":""},{"date":"11 Sep, 2024","name":"Satyanandan C","comment":"This theory deserves to be given maximum publicity. Congratulations, Jeremy","country":"India"},{"date":"11 Sep, 2024","name":"Jeffrey","comment":"Wow! Amazing discovery that explains human behaviour. Share this knowledge to make the world better. Such great work!","country":""},{"date":"11 Sep, 2024","name":"Komal P","comment":"This paradigm shift in psychology is true and needs to spread to each field & in other languages. Komal P, Sociologist","country":"Nepal"},{"date":"11 Sep, 2024","name":"Komal P","comment":"Humans don\u2019t know their own ill psychological condition. Thank you for helping to bring a true condition of mind to us","country":"Nepal"},{"date":"11 Sep, 2024","name":"Margaritte M","comment":"Very interesting scientific view on saving our World. About an hour & you\u2019ll need an open mind to understand his message","country":"US"},{"date":"11 Sep, 2024","name":"Edward","comment":"All queries finally answered \ud83d\ude4c ...","country":"South Sudan"},{"date":"11 Sep, 2024","name":"Keith D","comment":"Excellent","country":"Canada"},{"date":"11 Sep, 2024","name":"Carl L","comment":"Right on point, everyone needs to see this. Thanks for the enlightening","country":"US"},{"date":"11 Sep, 2024","name":"Grace","comment":"Very knowledgeable information","country":"UK"},{"date":"11 Sep, 2024","name":"Anne M","comment":"It is poignantly precise and relevant","country":"Kenya"},{"date":"11 Sep, 2024","name":"Simeon A","comment":"Revolutionary .... and gracious!","country":""},{"date":"10 Sep, 2024","name":"Marie-Anju T","comment":"I totally recommend Jeremy\u2019s formula to achieving freedom from the human condition. He is a genius! Thank you Jeremy!","country":"Canada"},{"date":"10 Sep, 2024","name":"Simon R","comment":"He\u2019s got it right in every detail. The future of humanity needs to be based on this science & everyone needs to get it","country":"New Zealand"},{"date":"10 Sep, 2024","name":"Simon R","comment":"This is 100% for real, true & accurate. Valid answers & explanation for any questions or doubts you may have. It\u2019s HUGE!","country":"New Zealand"},{"date":"10 Sep, 2024","name":"Kofi K","comment":"Interested in diving deeper explore Griffith\u2019s book or website. Challenges our understanding of ourselves, it\u2019s healing","country":"Ghana"},{"date":"10 Sep, 2024","name":"Ank L","comment":"Difficult to grasp straight away, as it goes by so quickly. But WORTH IT!!! [tr. from French]","country":"France"},{"date":"10 Sep, 2024","name":"Mohammed P","comment":"Good work. Hopefully the warlikes in this world will now be more peaceable","country":"UK"},{"date":"10 Sep, 2024","name":"Victoria V","comment":"Amazing, profound and liberating!","country":""},{"date":"10 Sep, 2024","name":"Mike C","comment":"Love hearing great minds. I\u2019m a pastor but not so set in my ways to fear truth. Like people who make me think & you have","country":"US"},{"date":"10 Sep, 2024","name":"Dianne S","comment":"At last - A sane and loving world!!! YAHOO!!!!! Thank you, Jeremy. Love you XOXOXO","country":"US"},{"date":"10 Sep, 2024","name":"Hector","comment":"Excited to understand!","country":"US"},{"date":"10 Sep, 2024","name":"Laila C","comment":"Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for this wonderful job of yours","country":"US"},{"date":"10 Sep, 2024","name":"Samuel M","comment":"Tried reading FREEDOM but now The Interview knit things together, can understand our behaviour, politics & war. Thankyou","country":"Zambia"},{"date":"10 Sep, 2024","name":"Rosela D","comment":"Very enlightening","country":"Philippines"},{"date":"09 Sep, 2024","name":"Angela D","comment":"Essential information to delve deeper into. Best way is to first watch The Interview at HumanCondition.com [Dutch tr.]","country":"Netherlands"},{"date":"09 Sep, 2024","name":"Miriam V","comment":"I really love this, and thank you so very much. I want to read the books","country":"US"},{"date":"09 Sep, 2024","name":"Graham B","comment":"Very INTERESTING!","country":"New Zealand"},{"date":"09 Sep, 2024","name":"Estella D","comment":"Today I was ready to listen & absorb your scientific explanation. I\u2019m very intrigued with the knowledge & understanding","country":"US"},{"date":"09 Sep, 2024","name":"Aimee R","comment":"The way to Freedom!","country":"Madagascar"},{"date":"09 Sep, 2024","name":"Brendan L","comment":"Fantastic, fascinating food for thought, thanks","country":"Ireland"},{"date":"09 Sep, 2024","name":"Kevin K","comment":"It was a brilliant video","country":"UK"},{"date":"09 Sep, 2024","name":"Erin S","comment":"Amazing and an Aussie","country":"Australia"},{"date":"09 Sep, 2024","name":"Regina C","comment":"Love this, learning is marvelous. I will be buying your book Jeremy. Pls keep me up dated","country":"UK"},{"date":"09 Sep, 2024","name":"Julie J","comment":"I really hope everyone reads about the human condition. I really recommend this book. God bless you all","country":"Australia"},{"date":"09 Sep, 2024","name":"Patricia F","comment":"Should be Req Reading ...B4 the next Debate...","country":"US"},{"date":"08 Sep, 2024","name":"Joanne T","comment":"This information works! Dive right in! Joy & relief is an understatement; happiness & peace you never thought possible!","country":"UK"},{"date":"08 Sep, 2024","name":"Christine H","comment":"Brilliant, really loved it, so true \ud83e\udd70","country":"Australia"},{"date":"08 Sep, 2024","name":"Norma","comment":"WOW WOW a lot to take in! Gave me understanding of the unfolding of my life to current time!! I\u2019m 80. Thankyou so much!!","country":"US"},{"date":"08 Sep, 2024","name":"Kumar G","comment":"Most watched amazing Interview!","country":"Nepal"},{"date":"08 Sep, 2024","name":"Becky R","comment":"All of us need to consider this interview - Maybe that we see ourselves touched by this informaton ~ ~ ~","country":"US"},{"date":"08 Sep, 2024","name":"Mehalu F","comment":"It is a good discovery that should be given to political leaders as soon as possible","country":"Ethiopia"},{"date":"08 Sep, 2024","name":"Joy W","comment":"Wow, such an eye opener. Thank you for sharing with us \ud83d\udc4d \ud83d\ude0a","country":"US"},{"date":"08 Sep, 2024","name":"Christine H","comment":"\ud83d\udc99\ud83e\ude75\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udcaf","country":"US"},{"date":"08 Sep, 2024","name":"Desmond J","comment":"So true!!!","country":""},{"date":"08 Sep, 2024","name":"Andrew S","comment":"Enlightening!","country":"Kenya"},{"date":"08 Sep, 2024","name":"Lisa T","comment":"Bravo,,, thank you,,,","country":"Canada"},{"date":"08 Sep, 2024","name":"Llazar V","comment":"This is what we need: a new philosophy, new thoughts, new ideas\u2026. Thank you very much!","country":"US"},{"date":"07 Sep, 2024","name":"Denis L","comment":"Woooooow. A must-see if you want to understand the human condition and contemporary society \ud83d\ude09\ud83d\ude0a [tr. from French]","country":"Canada"},{"date":"07 Sep, 2024","name":"Tony C","comment":"Great to hear some commonsense for a change. From Sydney Australia \ud83c\udde6\ud83c\uddfa","country":"Australia"},{"date":"07 Sep, 2024","name":"Ayalew T","comment":"I'm part of this freedom movement. I\u2019ll do my best to transform humanity from deep insecurity to this free state of mind","country":"Ethiopia"},{"date":"07 Sep, 2024","name":"Benjamin B","comment":"If you haven't watched this, you should","country":"US"},{"date":"07 Sep, 2024","name":"Elaine B","comment":"Having heard THE Interview and read FREEDOM, I understand why enlightened members are so relieved they cry tears of joy","country":"UK"},{"date":"07 Sep, 2024","name":"Faye K","comment":"Awesome and helpful information","country":"New Zealand"},{"date":"07 Sep, 2024","name":"Phyllis M","comment":"I saw this the other day! Great information!","country":"US"},{"date":"07 Sep, 2024","name":"Ray D","comment":"Unexpected revelations","country":""},{"date":"07 Sep, 2024","name":"Derry L","comment":"Time for people to wake up and listen to the people trying to save this planet","country":"UK"},{"date":"07 Sep, 2024","name":"David N","comment":"Very very helpful. Informative, innovative, encouraging scientific analysis of the reformation in human life & the world","country":"Papua New Guinea"},{"date":"06 Sep, 2024","name":"Christine H","comment":"This may be one of the best hours I have spent in life","country":"US"},{"date":"06 Sep, 2024","name":"Kelly W","comment":"The relief & excitement of understanding the human condition is so wonderful. Can\u2019t wait for this to spread to everyone","country":"Australia"},{"date":"06 Sep, 2024","name":"Pauline A","comment":"Just WOW! Truly fascinating","country":""}]